Future Generali India Life Insurance
OneAssure Rating
Our Verdict
Future Generali offers a range of health insurance benefits such as coverage for chronic conditions and maternity, along with a global cover option. Their health policies provide flexible terms, affordable premiums, and unique features like waiver of premium in cases of terminal illness or disability. Additionally, they provide attractive discounts for female customers and offer easy claims processing via their app for enhanced customer experience.
Customer- centric approach
Ease of access for the customers with digital tools and responsive support.
Innovative offerings
Includes various unique products like pet health insurance and health protection with extra perks.
Higher premiums for certain plans
The cost of comprehensive coverage may be too costly for some consumers.
Limited market presence
The company’s reach might not be extensive in rural areas.
Company Stats
Industry Avg.
Future Generali India Life Insurance
Premium Underwritten
Industry Avg.
Future Generali India Life Insurance
Solvency Ratio
Rating 6.6/10
About the Company
Future generali India life insurance company Ltd. was established in 2006, It is a joint venture between Generali group and future group. Presently, Generali is the largest shareholder in the company with a stake of 73.99% in the company.
The Generali group, founded in 1831, is a prominent international asset management and insurance firm with offices in more than 60 nations.
Future Generali India provides a wide range of insurance products, such as life, house, auto, and health insurance, in addition to customised options for rural communities and enterprises. Offering value-added services like wellness programs and telecounseling together with full coverage is its main goal.
To provide families and businesses with financial security, the organisation blends innovation with customer-focused services. With a dedication to clear and easily accessible insurance solutions, its products are centered on long-term security and cover topics including wealth-building, retirement, savings, and child education.
KYC Documents Required
Pan Card No.
Aadhar Card
Recent Photograph
Cancelled Cheque with Name Printed
Bank Statements
Salary Slip of Latest 3 Months
Covid Vaccination
Claim Settlement
Claim Procedure
Online Renewal
Offline Renewal
Key points to remember during Renewals
Customer Support
Talk to an OneAssure Insurance Expert for FREE.
Toll Free - 1800-102-2355,
E-mail - care@futuregenerali.in